Following earlier claims that WhatsApp was working to enable users to set an avatar profile image, it is now apparently rolling out the Avatar functionality for some beta testers. In order to utilize as their profile photo when making video calls, users can also construct a digital representation of themselves using the avatar feature.
The new functionality is stated to be compatible with his WhatsApp Beta on Android and and was originally reported by his WABetaInfo. WhatsApp will produce a new sticker pack and share it with other users of the app once you have configured your avatar. Your WhatsApp profile image can also be an avatar.
If you’re using WhatsApp Beta and have updated to one of the compatible versions, you may be able to access avatar features. To check, go to your WhatsApp settings and see if you can find a new section called “Avatar”. If there is a section, it means the feature has been rolled out to your device and you can start creating your avatar.
Of course, just because this feature is compatible with his WhatsApp Beta for Android and doesn’t mean that updating to these versions will make it available to everyone. So if you can’t access it yet, don’t worry. More users will be able to set their avatar in the coming weeks. In the meantime, make sure you are using the latest version of his WhatsApp.