No More Heroes and No More Heroes 2 were released on Steam in June 2021, and fans weren’t happy with the results. Many have accused publisher XSEED Games of releasing a port of the Nintendo Switch version in a hurry, especially since it shows images of Joy-Con controllers.
Fans have also discovered various flaws and crashes with achievements. Fortunately, it looks like the worst is over. A remedy is now being worked on. In the update, it is said that “we have been aware of difficulties affecting this title since launch, and after over a year of trying to build a patch, we can notify you that we have made attempts to fix these issues internally.” We apologise for the inconvenience this has caused and the silence up to this point, but we will give additional details as soon as we are assured a fix is available in declassifiable form. Please feel at ease.
Today’s update does not include a timeline for these fixes, but the response has been positive. The No More Heroes games have a rabid fan base and people seem to be waiting for these games to get fixed. Considering it’s been over a year since the two games debuted on Steam, it’s a little surprising that it’s actually happening!
No More Heroes was first released on the Nintendo Wii in 2007. The game quickly gained a devoted following, and the series has since seen several sequels. The final installment in the series, his No More Heroes III, was released for Nintendo Switch last year. Creator Goichi “Suda51” Suda recently hinted that he may decide to revisit the series, but it could be a while before that happens. Fans will have to settle for the games that are currently available, but if XSEED can get the first two games up and running on Steam, it will be much easier!