South Koreans are dropping domestic tech giant Samsung’s Galaxy phones over iPhone gaming controversy. A video from South Korea shows that his entire GOS controversy that unfolded earlier this year prompted many to switch from his Galaxy devices to iPhones.
Earlier this year, in March, it was revealed that Samsung was throttling over 10,000 apps and games on his device through software called Game Optimization Service.
The report states that GOS will reduce GPU and CPU performance when it detects any of the listed apps or games are running.
This list conveniently excludes benchmark apps. This means Samsung phones will post high performance scores that are not representative of their actual performance. This led Geekbench to ban Samsung phones running GOS.
A fix was later released that added a button to the Game Booster app that allowed GOS to prioritize maximum performance for all apps and games.
Samsung claimed that the main purpose of GOS is to prevent the device from overheating during extended use of performance-intensive apps and games.
A South Korean YouTuber took to the streets of Seoul to ask about the phones citizens are using if he prefers Galaxy phones to iPhones.
The video also points out that recently in his 40s he has seen a double-digit increase in the percentage of people switching from Galaxy devices to iPhones.