This Week in Apps provides a one-stop way to keep up with this rapidly changing industry with news, updates, startup funding, mergers and acquisitions and more from the world of apps. After years of user requests for an edit button, Twitter’s news this week that such a feature is currently being tested felt a bit disappointing. Twitter has lifted its own embargo on upcoming launches. There were no interviews. Instead, according to a tweet published before the blog post’s announcement, Twitter only casually mentioned that the editing feature was being tested internally.
Global app spending in the first half of 2022 will reach $65 billion, up slightly from $64.4 billion in the same period in 2021. Overall, however, the app economy continues to grow, with record downloads and consumer spending on both the iOS and Google Play stores in 2021, according to the latest year-end report. Global spending on iOS and Google Play was $133 billion last year, and consumers downloaded his 143.6 billion apps.
Ultimately, this reduces the need for an edit button in many cases. True editing capabilities add a layer of complexity to increasingly cluttered social apps. Twitter has said the feature will include an edit log to minimize abuse, but it’s not clear that people will rewrite their tweets knowing that many have never seen the previous version. If anything, the edit button request became more of a meme than an actual user request. For some Twitter users, it was puzzling that such a basic feature hadn’t been built. But over the years, people have learned to work around the lack of editing. Delete and retweet stuff.
Here is the functionality you wanted. I think we will ship it. This feature will roll out to users later this month, but is not generally available. Instead, users can pay for a Twitter Blue subscription to access editing features, Twitter said. However, it’s still in test mode at the moment, so only “some” Twitter Blue subscribers will see the option. There is the fact that it is somewhat mitigated by the option to quickly undo the tweet if necessary.