Character design is handled by Pozuka Demizu, known for the “The Promised Neverland” series, which gained popularity in Weekly Shonen Jump and was also made into an anime. The character design for The Tower ~ To the Bottom is Masaoki Shindo, who is currently serializing in Weekly Shonen Jump. Mr. Shindo has been part of the development team since before the series debuted. I created a character in drawings of the time.
Shueisha Games Co., Ltd. will exhibit for the first time at “Tokyo Game Show 2022” to be held at Makuhari Messe from September 15th (Thursday) to 18th (Sunday). Shueisha Games is also pleased to announce its latest title, unVEIL the world, in partnership with NetEase Games. In this newly announced collaboration between her NetEase Games and Shueisha Games, Yuta, a girl with a mysterious past, teams up with her friends to create a gigantic tower containing world targets Light, Wind, Earth and Breath. unravel the mystery of A strategy adventure RPG featuring tactical battles and a deep story that shakes the player’s soul.
It is harder and harder to eat than modern bread, but we hope you will enjoy it as an edible novelty that will give you a taste of the wild atmosphere of this world. The number of legendary ancient bread is limited. Please note that distribution will end as soon as it is gone.
The experience changes dramatically depending on who you adventure with and the children who live at the top of the tower. We hope that you will play the game and discover the message that the development team has put into each character. Play The Tower – To The Bottom at the Shueisha Games Booth and receive a free Legendary Ancient Bread. The bread that actually appears as an important item in the game is supervised by the development team based on the method of making bread “Akar” that existed in the ancient Mesopotamian civilization over 4000 years ago.