It is Thursday once more. This indicates that new titles have been added to the Epic Games Store. The month of October is ideal for gamers who enjoy playing eerie games. Darkwood, a horror game, is one of the free offerings for the week. His ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove is also available on the Epic Games Store for those who would like something a little more upbeat. From now until October 20th, both games are without charge. Get them before this date if you are not familiar with how these free games operate. After then, as a permanent component of your library, you are free to play!
Darkwood, developed by Acid Wizard Studio, is an indie survival horror game. For players who prefer a challenge with little direction, Darkwood features “no handholds or quest markers.” This certainly isn’t the case for everyone, but there are plenty of people who enjoy being thrown into a game and forced to figure things out on their own. This is a great opportunity for gamers to try it out for themselves.
For gamers who grew up in the Sega Genesis era, ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove should be an exciting giveaway. Back in the Groove takes his 1991 introduced formula, but adds many modern elements, such as four-player co-op. ToeJam & Earl’s funky style and unique sense of humor have made them iconic classic characters. Back in the Groove is a great introduction for newcomers to the series. The game normally costs $14.99.