Xbox updates to improve accessibility Honor communities with disabilities

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  • At Xbox, we want everyone to be able to play the games they love, with the people they love, wherever they are. This includes his over 400 million gamers worldwide with disabilities. Today at the Xbox Accessibility Showcase 2022, we celebrate the disability community and the many people and organizations working to break down gaming barriers and ultimately make gaming more accessible around the world.

This year, he decided to host the Xbox Accessibility Showcase at the Microsoft Inclusive Tech Lab at his Microsoft campus in Redmond, Washington. The purpose of this lab is to encourage developers and designers to consciously include people with disabilities in their products and services by demonstrating that inclusive technology enables everyone to participate. The same goes for games.

By making our experiences, games and platforms more accessible, more people can enjoy gaming, whether it’s bonding with family, reuniting with ourselves in gaming, or the joy of helping others and discovering the joy of gaming. Experience the power of connections created by gambling.

When we asked members of the Xbox Accessibility Insider League (XAIL) and Xbox Ambassador community what they want for the future of accessibility, they highlighted:

The importance of including players with disabilities in the design as collaborators and audience. The importance of standardized settings, increased feature discoverability, and accessible game communication. As we work toward the future of accessibility, we’re excited to share updates that encourage everyone to create, play, and connect games. We look forward to continuing to work with the community and industry to bring the power of gaming to more people.

The importance of customizing accessibility options such as text, subtitles, captions, and difficulty settings, as well as more and more diverse accessibility options throughout the year

The Xbox Accessibility Guidelines (XAG) are a set of best practices developed in collaboration with industry experts and members of the Gaming & Disability community. Based on community feedback, this month we introduced best practices for touch-based user interfaces for games on mobile devices. These new guidelines include touch target size and placement recommendations, swipe sensitivity, and details on the importance of mobile-native accessibility support.

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