Europe at Risk of Missing Out on the Deep Tech Revolution
- Historically, China has been a leader in technology and innovation, with significant advancements surpassing Western countries. The concept of The Four Great Inventions from ancient China highlights the country’s historical significance in advanced technology. However, Europe has also played a crucial role in technological advancements, particularly during the Industrial Revolution.
- The development of pre-industrial technologies involved trial-and-error methods, while scientific thinking allowed Europe to focus on deep tech innovations during the Industrial Revolution. This shift propelled Europe ahead of China in terms of technological advancements.
- Europe is now facing a significant innovation gap compared to the US and China, particularly in areas like AI and SpaceTech. The lack of investment and support for deep tech ventures in Europe is hindering its progress in innovation.
Lacking a Deep Tech Mindset
The impact of complacency and risk aversion among European investors has led to a lack of translation of scientific research into practical innovations. Without fostering a deep tech mindset, Europe risks falling behind in the global technological landscape.
We Can’t Afford to Fall Behind
It is crucial for Europe to invest in deep tech ventures, foster collaboration between business and science, and learn how to effectively utilize its valuable data resources. Failure to do so may result in missing out on the transformative potential of deep tech innovation.
Source: Euronews Article