8 Hubs in Detroit Offering Free High-Speed Internet and Tech Resources: Unleashing Potential

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Tech News Summary:

  • Detroit is creating eight new technology centers to bridge the digital divide, providing residents with high-speed internet, free devices, and digital literacy training.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need for equitable and fast internet access, prompting the launch of the Certified Technology Centers in Detroit.
  • Comcast’s Lift Zone program, along with the new technology centers, aims to expand access to high-speed internet and digital resources in Detroit, marking a crucial step towards achieving digital equity for all residents.

Detroit, MI – The city of Detroit is taking a major step towards unleashing its potential as a hub for innovation and technology with the launch of free high-speed internet and tech resources at eight community hubs.

Mayor Mike Duggan announced the initiative, which aims to provide residents with access to the internet and essential technology resources to bridge the digital divide and promote economic growth in the city.

The community hubs, located in various neighborhoods throughout Detroit, will offer free high-speed internet access, tech workshops, and resources such as laptops and tablets for residents to use. The hubs will also provide assistance with job searches, online learning, and digital literacy training.

“This initiative is about leveling the playing field and ensuring that all Detroit residents have access to the technology and resources they need to succeed in the digital age,” said Mayor Duggan. “By providing free high-speed internet and tech resources at these community hubs, we are creating opportunities for residents to learn, connect, and thrive in our increasingly digital world.”

The initiative is made possible through a partnership between the city of Detroit, local businesses, and nonprofit organizations. The Detroit Public Library system is also involved in the initiative and will be providing support at the community hubs.

The launch of free high-speed internet and tech resources at the eight community hubs is part of a broader effort by the city to revitalize Detroit’s economy and create opportunities for all residents. With improved access to technology and digital resources, Detroit is poised to become a major player in the innovation and tech sectors.

The community hubs are expected to become key gathering places for residents looking to enhance their digital skills, explore new career opportunities, and connect with others in the community. By unleashing Detroit’s potential through free high-speed internet and tech resources, the city is taking a major step towards building a more inclusive and thriving future for all of its residents.

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