A negative PC verdict could be a positive indicator for the series’ future

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But now, it looks like judgment and lost judgment will do Getting the PC port. The ratings for the games have been shown on the ESRB’s website, and with the RGG Summit event kicking off this weekend, it’s fair to assume it’s actually happening.Of course, this suggests that SEGA and Kimura’s agency have finally reached some kind of agreement, and suddenly, the future of Judgment as an ongoing franchise is looking pretty bright. It will be very interesting to see if developer RGG Studio hints at its plans for judging in the upcoming showcase.

Original Article Both Judgment and Lost Judgment are excellent games, but in case you were unaware, the franchise’s future has apparently been uncertain for a while. The lead actor Takuya Kimura’s talent agency and SEGA may be at odds, according to news reports that surfaced last summer. Because of the allegedly personalized nature of PC gaming, it appeared at the time that the agency was not keen on the notion of porting the two games to the PC. There were even speculations that the series it can This difficult relationship should be placed on hold.


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