A “Red Dead Redemption 2” player on Stadia can now move his 6,000 hour save to another system

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  • Players who lost around 6,000 hours of playtime in Red Dead Redemption 2 can now move their save data from Stadia to another platform.
    One of the numerous gamers who suffered after Google announced the impending collapse of his Stadia streaming platform was YouTuber ItsColourTV. The Red Dead Redemption 2 YouTuber published his 5,907 hours of gameplay in a tweet after the announcement, stating, “No, I do not realize how truly upset I am.”

Desperate to get back everything he earned in the game, Kala reached out to Rockstar with a request for a one-time character transfer.

He is no longer angry because Rockstar is here to support him. Kala disclosed in a tweet that Rockstar had informed him of the good news. Earn RDO dollars, gold bars, experience points, roll points, and roll tokens for your PlayStation 4, Xbox One, or PC. I do not think this would have been feasible if none of the developers and gaming journalists had picked up my tale and raised awareness, tweeted Kallar in a follow-up tweet. Players.” We appreciate the community’s help in preventing the loss of all our online progress.

The most recent publisher to permit save transfers before Stadia’s complete shutdown is Rockstar. The ability to move forward in Cyberpunk 2077 on various platforms has already been revealed by CD Projekt Red.

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