A study exploring the influence of social media and modern advancements in technology on mental well-being.

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  • Scientists from Heriot-Watt University, the University of Edinburgh, gaming company Neuromedia, and a European consortium plan to conduct a study to explore the effects of digital technologies on the mental health of young people.
  • The study will focus on people aged between 10 and 24 and aims to develop ways to measure the impact of both direct and indirect stressors, including social media and cyberbullying.
  • The researchers plan to use gamification, such as a mobile app game, to capture neurological sequences in young people, which will inform them about their mental wellbeing and track their response over time to deliver trends and patterns.

A new study is set to explore the effects of social media and other technological advancements on mental health. Researchers across the globe will work together in an effort to determine whether these technological advancements are negatively impacting the mental well-being of individuals.

The study, which is being funded by a number of leading organizations and charities, seeks to examine how increased exposure to social media and other online platforms impacts stress levels, anxiety, and depression. Researchers hope to uncover potential detrimental effects and explore ways to address these issues.

Recent surveys have shown that social media use has surged during the pandemic, with many individuals turning to online platforms to stay connected with friends and family. While this has been vital in reducing isolation, concerns remain about the impact of excessive social media use on mental health.

Speaking about the study, one of the lead researchers said “social media is increasingly a part of our day-to-day lives, and it’s never been more important to understand the impact it’s having on our mental well-being. We are determined to shed light on these important issues and develop strategies to promote positive mental health in this digital age”.

The results of this study will be published in leading scientific journals and communicated to the public at large. It is hoped that the findings will help to inform policymakers as they consider how best to promote mental health in a rapidly changing digital landscape.

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