Accessing Straightforward, Reliable Multi-cloud Solutions for Enterprises

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**Three Summaries:**

1. Cloudflare launches Magic Cloud Networking, a new solution for businesses to connect and secure their public cloud environments.

2. Nefeli Networks acquired by Cloudflare to simplify multi-cloud networking for IT and DevOps teams, offering a unified platform for cloud network orchestration with global scale to enable seamless connectivity and security.

3. Integration of Nefeli’s technology into Cloudflare’s platform provides businesses with greater control, visibility, and agility in managing multi-cloud networking, revolutionizing network infrastructure with simplicity and scalability.

**Depth News:**

Cloudflare has introduced Magic Cloud Networking, a cutting-edge solution designed to provide businesses with simple and secure multi-cloud solutions for their public cloud environments. This initiative comes after Cloudflare’s acquisition of Nefeli Networks, a startup specializing in streamlining multi-cloud networking for IT and DevOps teams. By integrating Nefeli’s technology with Cloudflare’s connectivity cloud, businesses now have access to a unified platform that combines cloud network orchestration with global scale. This integration enables seamless connectivity and security across private and public cloud environments while avoiding lock-in with specific providers.

In today’s landscape where a majority of businesses utilize multiple public cloud providers, the demand for multi-cloud networking solutions has become essential. Nefeli’s technology automates and streamlines the process of managing connectivity and security policies across different cloud environments, reducing complexity for IT teams and enabling businesses to mix and match features from various public cloud providers easily. Through Cloudflare One’s SASE platform, businesses can now benefit from a unified management experience, gaining greater control, visibility, agility, and resiliency in their network architecture.

The integration of Nefeli’s capabilities into Cloudflare’s platform positions the company as the sole vendor offering a comprehensive Zero Trust product portfolio alongside robust network connectivity and industry-leading application security. This consolidation establishes Cloudflare as a one-stop-shop for businesses seeking to transform their network infrastructure. The collaboration between Nefeli and Cloudflare aims to enhance multi-cloud networking capabilities within an integrated platform, revolutionizing the way businesses manage their cloud infrastructure efficiently while ensuring security and performance at scale.

Nefeli’s CEO, Eugenia Corrales, emphasizes the importance of seamlessly integrating multi-cloud networking capabilities into Cloudflare’s platform to drive innovation in this space. Nefeli’s Chairman, Dr. Scott Shenker, underscores the significance of simplicity and scalability in revolutionizing multi-cloud networking, highlighting the commitment of Nefeli’s talented team to work alongside Cloudflare towards this goal.

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