According to a Google Play executive, India will become a hub for app innovation around the world

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“From leading in-app adoption to being a leading global developer hub, India will play a key role in the development of the global app ecosystem over the next decade,” he said in a blog post. Indian apps and games saw a 200% increase in monthly active users and an 80% increase in consumer spend on Google Play between 2019 and 2021.

India will “play a key role” in global app development, as Indian startups develop widely used products, Google Play said on Thursday. Google Play, the app store platform for Android phones, celebrated his 10th anniversary on Thursday. Aditya Swamy, director of Play Partnerships, says India is one of the top downloaders of apps and games.


  • “We will continue to bring our global experience and innovation to India while focusing on solving the region’s opportunities and challenges. Unlocking the potential of Google Play to reach 2.5 billion monthly We want to help any developer with an idea to reach active users.”

  • “Local developers are gaining a global audience for their Indian apps and games, and users outside India will spend 150% more time on Google Play in 2021 compared to 2019. ” Swamy said Google Play will continue to invest in many of his developer initiatives locally.

“We will continue to evolve our tools to support developer business decisions and evolve our business model to help businesses grow,” she said. The Indian government recently declared the country to be a trillion dollar digital economy supporting 60-65 million digitally enabled jobs by 2025-26. Swamy said, “I am confident that the combination of local developers, innovation and the continued efforts to build a local app ecosystem will help.

Google recently announced the Startup School India program where he will launch 10,000 startups in the small city. As part of the Google for Startups Accelerator program, another initiative was launched specifically to support female founders in the country.

India open a new page in becoming a high-performance digital economy is doing. He added that user safety remains a top priority and Google Play helps developers provide users with the best possible experience in terms of privacy and security solutions.

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