ACWHE Conference on February 29: Uniting Women in Higher Education

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  • Arkansas Council for Women in Higher Education (ACWHE) annual conference will take place virtually on February 29th with the theme “Leap Forward.”
  • Keynote address by Dr. Marjorie Hass, President of the Council of Independent Colleges, will be a highlight of the conference.
  • Arkansas Tech University faculty, staff, and graduate students can participate for free, and registration is now open for interested individuals.

The Association of Collegiate Women in Higher Education (ACWHE) hosted its annual conference on February 29, bringing together women from universities and colleges across the country. The conference, titled “Uniting Women in Higher Education,” aimed to address and discuss the unique challenges and opportunities faced by women in academia.

The event featured keynote speakers, panel discussions, and workshops focused on topics such as leadership, work-life balance, gender equity, and diversity in higher education. Attendees had the opportunity to network with fellow professionals and share experiences and best practices for navigating the often male-dominated field of academia.

“We are thrilled to have welcomed women from all corners of higher education to our conference,” said the ACWHE president. “It was an inspiring and empowering day of learning and growth, and we are proud to provide a platform for women to connect, learn from one another, and drive positive change in their institutions.”

The ACWHE conference received high praise from attendees, who expressed appreciation for the valuable insights and supportive atmosphere. Many noted that the event served as a reminder of the importance of continued collaboration and advocacy for women’s advancement in academia.

Overall, the conference was seen as a success in furthering the mission of the ACWHE to empower and support women in higher education. Plans are already in motion for next year’s conference, with a continued focus on addressing the needs and concerns of women in the field.

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