Adform Leads the Way in Sustainable Advertising by Embracing the UN’s Science Based Targets Initiative

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Tech News Summary:

  • Adform has become the first demand side platform to join the UN’s Science-Based Targets Initiative, aligning with near-term emissions reduction targets.
  • Adform has been a leader in sustainable advertising, joining initiatives such as Ad Net Zero and Scope3, and now incorporating SBTi into its strategy.
  • Adform’s commitment to science-based emissions reduction targets demonstrates its dedication to sustainability in the ad tech industry, positioning the company at the forefront of environmental action.

Adform, a leading ad tech company, has announced that it is pioneering sustainable advertising in collaboration with the United Nations’ Science Based Targets initiative.

The initiative aims to help companies set science-based targets to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius. Adform is the first ad tech company to join the initiative and has committed to reducing its carbon footprint in line with the Paris Agreement.

Adform’s CEO, Gustav Mellentin, stated, “We are proud to be leading the way in sustainable advertising by partnering with the UN’s Science Based Targets initiative. As a technology company, we recognize the impact that digital advertising can have on the environment and are committed to reducing our carbon footprint.”

The company has already taken significant steps towards sustainability, including optimizing its data centers to minimize energy consumption and implementing green initiatives in its corporate offices.

By joining the Science Based Targets initiative, Adform is taking a proactive approach to addressing climate change and demonstrating its commitment to sustainable business practices. The company is dedicated to reducing its environmental impact and inspiring others in the advertising industry to follow suit.

Adform’s pioneering efforts in sustainable advertising are a step in the right direction towards creating a greener and more sustainable future for the digital advertising industry.

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