AI Becomes the Main Focus: Named Collins Dictionary Word of the Year for 2023

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Tech News Summary:

  • “AI” has been chosen as the Collins Dictionary Word of the Year for 2023, reflecting the growing impact of artificial intelligence on our lives and the job market.
  • Other tech-related words like “influencer” and “disinfluence” were also considered for the Word of the Year, highlighting the influence of digital culture on our language and society.

AI Takes Center Stage: Collins Dictionary Word of the Year 2023

In a reflection of the growing influence of artificial intelligence (AI) in our lives, Collins Dictionary has chosen “AI” as its Word of the Year for 2023. The decision comes as no surprise given the increasing impact of AI on various aspects of society, from business and technology to healthcare and entertainment.

The selection of “AI” as the Word of the Year underscores the rapid advancement of AI and its integration into everyday conversations and activities. The use of AI has become ubiquitous, with AI-powered devices and services playing a crucial role in shaping the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us.

“We have witnessed a significant increase in the use of the term ‘AI’ in recent years, reflecting the growing presence of artificial intelligence in our daily lives,” said Helen Newstead, head of language content at Collins Dictionary. “From smart assistants and autonomous vehicles to predictive algorithms, AI has become an essential part of modern existence, and its impact on society continues to expand.”

The recognition of “AI” as the Word of the Year highlights the need for continued discussion and understanding of the opportunities and challenges associated with AI. As AI technology continues to evolve, it is crucial for individuals and organizations to stay informed about its implications and potential applications.

With “AI” taking center stage as the Collins Dictionary Word of the Year for 2023, it is clear that the influence of artificial intelligence will only continue to grow in the years to come. This acknowledgment serves as a reminder of the importance of embracing AI in a responsible and informed manner, while also recognizing its potential to transform industries and improve our daily lives.

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