AI Technology Empowers French Open in Combating Cyberbullying

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  • The French Open organizers will use artificial intelligence (AI) this year to filter out abusive comments on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.
  • The software created by will identify and filter hate speech like racist and homophobic comments to protect the players’ mental health.
  • The use of AI-driven technology to reduce cyberbullying is a positive step toward prioritizing the mental well-being of athletes and protecting them from hateful comments on social media.

PARIS – In a bid to combat the growing problem of cyberbullying and harassment, the French Open announced today that it will be implementing AI technology to detect and prevent abusive messages and behaviors during the tournament.

The move comes amid heightened concerns around online abuse, particularly in the wake of Naomi Osaka’s decision to withdraw from the French Open last week after she was fined for refusing to speak to the media. In a statement, organizers said that the decision to use AI technology was made “in order to ensure a safe, inclusive and respectful digital environment for all participants and fans.”

The technology, which was developed in collaboration with IBM, will use machine learning algorithms to identify abusive and threatening messages and behaviors on social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram. It will then alert moderators and security staff, who will be able to take appropriate action.

“We believe that technology can play a critical role in protecting the safety and wellbeing of athletes, officials, and fans,” said Giles Moretton, the tournament director. “By using AI, we can help to identify and prevent harmful behaviors, create a safe and welcoming environment, and promote the values of respect and fair play.”

The French Open’s decision to take a stand against cyberbullying has been widely welcomed by athletes and commentators alike. Former tennis player and commentator Martina Navratilova said that it was “about time” that the sport took a more proactive approach to online abuse.

“This is a really positive step forward for tennis,” she said. “By using AI technology to detect and prevent cyberbullying, the French Open is showing that it is committed to protecting athletes and promoting a culture of respect and inclusivity.”

The introduction of AI technology at the French Open comes as other sporting events around the world are grappling with the problem of cyberbullying and harassment. Last year, the Australian Open introduced a similar system to detect abusive messages on social media, while the Women’s Tennis Association has also launched a platform to report incidents of harassment and abuse.

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