Amazon and Mastercard collaborate on AI safety initiative in the United States

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Tech News Summary:

  • Amazon and Mastercard have joined the US Artificial Intelligence Security Institute Consortium (AISIC) to promote safe use of AI through collaboration between industry and government.
  • Amazon has committed $5 million in IT credits to encourage the development of tools and methodologies for examining the security of core AI models and promote trustworthy AI.
  • The creation of AISIC stems from an executive order on AI signed by President Joe Biden in October 2023, and it demonstrates a commitment to advancing responsible AI practices through collaboration with industry partners and government agencies.

In a groundbreaking move for the tech and financial sectors, Amazon and Mastercard have announced a partnership to launch an AI safety initiative in the United States. The collaboration aims to address the growing concerns surrounding the ethical and responsible use of artificial intelligence.

The initiative will focus on developing best practices and guidelines for the design, development, and deployment of AI technologies, with a specific emphasis on ensuring fairness, transparency, and accountability. This includes ensuring that AI systems do not perpetuate biases, discriminations, or amplify existing inequalities.

Both Amazon and Mastercard bring their unique expertise to the initiative. Amazon, as a leading global tech giant, will contribute its deep understanding of AI technologies and their potential impact on society. Mastercard, as a global leader in payment processing and financial technology, will provide its expertise in ethical and responsible data usage.

The collaboration comes at a crucial time when AI technologies are increasingly being integrated into various industries, raising concerns about their potential impact on society. By joining forces, Amazon and Mastercard aim to set a new standard for AI safety and ethics, which could help shape the future of the technology industry.

In a joint statement, the two companies expressed their commitment to promoting responsible AI innovation and ensuring that AI technologies are developed and used in a way that benefits everyone. They also emphasized the importance of collaboration among industry leaders, policymakers, and other stakeholders to address the challenges and opportunities presented by AI.

The initiative is expected to kick off with a series of workshops, research projects, and public discussions aimed at shaping the future of AI safety in the United States. With Amazon and Mastercard leading the charge, it is anticipated that other tech and financial companies will join the effort, further strengthening the industry’s commitment to ethical and responsible AI development.

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