Angie Lau of Forkast Breaks Barriers and Receives JESSICA Magazine’s 2023 Tech Woman of the Year Award, cementing her Trailblazing Status in Today’s Tech Industry.

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Tech News Summary:

  • Angie Lau, co-CEO of Web3 and a renowned journalist, has been awarded Tech Woman of the Year 2023 by JESSICA Magazine for her contributions to business and innovation in Web3 technology.
  • Lau’s leadership at Forkast Labs has made the company a trusted platform for global audiences seeking information on web3, cryptocurrencies, and digital assets.
  • JESSICA Magazine seeks to highlight exceptional women leaders who have broken barriers and made significant advances in their respective fields. As a role model for aspiring women in technology, Lau continues to inspire with her leadership and perseverance.

Hong Kong, China – Angie Lau, CEO and founder of Forkast, has been named Tech Woman of the Year 2023 by JESSICA Magazine. The award recognizes Lau as a trailblazer in today’s tech world and celebrates her outstanding contributions and achievements in the industry.

Lau is breaking barriers as an Asian female entrepreneur and journalist. She has been a prominent figure in the fintech and blockchain space, notably for her work in reporting on the industry and hosting events focused on educating the public on digital assets and their impact on the economy.

“I am humbled and grateful to be recognized by JESSICA Magazine as the Tech Woman of the Year,” Lau said. “I hope this award serves as inspiration for other women to pursue their passions in tech and break through any barriers that may stand in their way.”

Forkast, Lau’s digital media platform, covers the latest news and developments in blockchain, digital assets, and emerging technologies. The platform has quickly become a go-to source for industry professionals and investors seeking reliable information and insights about these rapidly-evolving fields.

In addition to being an influential voice in the tech industry, Lau is committed to promoting diversity and inclusion. She is a member of the Women in Fintech Initiative and the founder of the Angie Lau Foundation, which supports education and mentorship programs aimed at empowering young women in tech.

The Tech Woman of the Year award is a testament to Lau’s dedication and hard work in the tech industry. As the CEO of Forkast, Lau has proven that she is a true leader and visionary, committed to breaking down barriers and paving the way for the next generation of women in tech.

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