At Huawei Connect 2022 Paris, Huawei and Partners examine the use of technology to save the environment

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  • A panel discussion and afternoon session on the critical role of technology in promoting environmental conservation in Europe were held by Huawei at the event, which also saw the debut of their Solutions in Focus initiative. Solutions in Focus, created as part of his Tech4Nature partnership between IUCN and Huawei, examines best practices for utilizing technology to achieve successful conservation results and evaluates in 19 countries. There are 22 projects with details posted.

“There is clearly a growing momentum and acceptance from the conservation community to not only use more technology, but to develop and create new uses for it. We can ensure more sustainable benefits from its application in order to realize our activities.” In this session, the NGO Rainforest Connection showcased various nature-his guardian projects it is implementing in Europe with Huawei and local partners in marine, wetland and forest ecosystems.

“Rainforest Connection uses Huawei Cloud-powered AI and big data analytics to monitor biodiversity and protect ecosystems around the world. Rainforest Connection CEO Bourhan Yassin said: said like this. Examples of ongoing projects in Europe using acoustic technology include monitoring dolphins and whales off the southern coast of Ireland, and studying the impact of climate change on bird and amphibian life in Austrian wetlands.

Nature Guardian projects in Italy and Greece focus on preventing illegal logging, poaching and other harmful human activities. Also at the conference, the Swiss Polini Foundation announced a pilot project it is conducting in Switzerland with its partners IUCN and Huawei. This project aims to improve the calculation of carbon sinks in protected forest areas.

The Pollini Foundation will develop a forest carbon sequestration application based on cloud computing, blockchain and high-precision satellite imagery to improve the transparency and traceability of transactions related to forest carbon sinks and promote the sustainability of forest resources. We ensure proper management and use. The session will bring TECH4ALL partners, academics, and representatives from industry associations together to explore how digital technologies can enable green transformation in Europe, exploring technical and strategic roadmaps to reach this goal. It ended with a panel discussion on

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