AT&T and TransUnion Introduce New Branded Caller Display Feature: Revolutionizing Identification of Incoming Calls

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Tech News Summary:

  • AT&T and TransUnion have launched a program to allow businesses to label outgoing calls with their brand name and logo to prevent phone spoofing and help customers recognize incoming calls.
  • The program uses STIR/SHAKEN verification to provide secure and reliable calling experiences for customers and prevent fraudulent activities.
  • While efforts to combat call spoofing are commendable, challenges lie ahead, and it is crucial for businesses and consumers to remain vigilant against potential phone scams.

AT&T and TransUnion have joined forces to revolutionize the way we identify incoming calls with the unveiling of their new Branded Caller Display feature. This innovative technology is set to be a game-changer in the world of telecommunications, providing users with a more trustworthy and secure way to determine the authenticity of incoming calls.

The Branded Caller Display feature works by leveraging TransUnion’s vast database of verified phone numbers to provide users with enhanced caller identification. This means that when a call comes in, users will not only see the caller’s number but also the associated name or company, giving them a better idea of who is trying to reach them.

With the rise of spam and scam calls, this new feature will help users differentiate between legitimate calls and potential threats. This added layer of security is especially crucial for businesses and individuals who rely on their phones for important communications.

“We are thrilled to partner with TransUnion to bring this cutting-edge technology to our customers,” said Kevin Crull, President of AT&T’s Communications Division. “Branded Caller Display will bring peace of mind to our users, allowing them to answer calls with confidence and security.”

The Branded Caller Display feature is already available to select AT&T customers and will be gradually rolled out to all users in the coming months. This collaboration between AT&T and TransUnion is a testament to their commitment to improving the overall calling experience and ensuring the safety and security of their customers.

With this new feature, AT&T and TransUnion are setting a new standard for caller identification, providing users with the tools they need to stay informed and protected in an increasingly digital world. This is just the beginning of what promises to be a transformative partnership in the realm of telecommunications.

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