Because of THIS, Google removes those applications from the Play Store

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  • 16 apps have been removed by Google from the Play Store because they consume a lot of data and rapidly deplete the battery on Android smartphones. the uninstalled apps engaged in ad fraud by disguising themselves as legal users and secretly rerouting them to websites where they clicked on advertisements.

16 McAfee-certified apps have been removed from the Play Store by Google. The removed program falls under the category of “Utility” apps, which often carry out easy tasks like a calculator.

McAfee found that when these apps were activated, they automatically downloaded codes, and without the user’s knowledge, he was alerted to visit websites and clicked on links and advertisements.  It is ad fraud because it impersonates a real user and artificially enhances the interaction with these ads.

The removed apps included libraries like ‘com.liveposting’ and ‘’, which allowed users to click on links and ads without their knowledge, ultimately draining the battery. and increased network usage. The discovery was made by a California security firm.

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