Bedrock Healthcare at Home Harnesses Technology to Reduce Readmission Rates and Enhance Patient Care

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  1. Bedrock Healthcare at Home has invested in technology to lower readmission rates to just 2.1%, compared to the national average of 33%.
  2. Efficiency-driven changes have allowed frontline workers to focus solely on patient care, positively impacting the company’s culture and improving the patient experience.
  3. Bedrock Healthcare at Home believes that the future of healthcare lies in the integration of technology and biology, leading to improved patient outcomes and a more efficient healthcare system.

Bedrock Healthcare at Home, a leading provider of home healthcare services, is harnessing the power of technology to address the rising readmission rates and improve patient care. The company has implemented a new software platform called Tofido, which is designed to streamline communication between patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals, ultimately leading to better health outcomes.

Tofido allows Bedrock Healthcare at Home to remotely monitor patients’ vitals and medication adherence, as well as provide them with access to educational resources and personalized care plans. This proactive approach enables the company to identify potential issues early on and intervene before they escalate, thus reducing the likelihood of hospital readmissions.

“We are committed to delivering high-quality care to our patients in the comfort of their homes, and Tofido has been instrumental in helping us achieve this goal,” said the CEO of Bedrock Healthcare at Home. “By leveraging technology, we are able to stay connected with our patients in real-time, provide them with the support they need, and ultimately improve their overall health and wellness.”

In addition to lowering readmission rates, Tofido has also enhanced the overall patient experience by facilitating seamless communication and empowering individuals to take an active role in their care. This has resulted in higher levels of patient satisfaction and improved outcomes.

The utilization of Tofido has positioned Bedrock Healthcare at Home as a trailblazer in the home healthcare industry, and the company continues to explore new ways to leverage technology to further enhance patient care. With the ongoing advancements in digital health, the future looks promising for both the organization and the patients they serve.

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