Biden’s AI Order Could Centralize Tech Control and Pose Political Threat, State Attorneys General Warn

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  • State attorneys general warn that President Biden’s executive order on artificial intelligence could centralize control over AI and be used for political purposes, including censorship under the guise of combatting “disinformation.”
  • They express concerns about the potential impact on AI development and citizen protection, arguing that the order may discourage development, entrench large tech incumbents, and lack transparency in how the federal government will use the information provided.
  • The coalition calls for greater transparency and accountability in the implementation of the executive order, urging the National Institute of Standards and Technology not to push a partisan agenda of censorship and ensure that AI development remains transparent and free from political interference.

State attorneys general from several states have issued a warning to President Joe Biden regarding his recent executive order on artificial intelligence (AI), stating that it could lead to the centralization of tech control and potentially be used for political ends.

The concern stems from the language in the executive order, which calls for the establishment of a National AI Initiative Office within the White House, with the goal of coordinating AI policies across federal agencies.

In a joint statement, the attorneys general expressed their worries about the potential consequences of such a move, citing the dangers of consolidating power in the hands of the federal government when it comes to regulating and controlling AI technology.

They also raised concerns about the potential for the use of AI for political purposes, including the potential for the government to monitor and censor online speech and political dissent.

The attorneys general are urging the Biden administration to reconsider the language in the executive order and to ensure that any centralized control of AI technology is balanced with appropriate safeguards to protect against misuse and abuse.

The warning comes at a time when concerns about the regulation and control of AI technology are growing, with lawmakers and regulators grappling with the implications of the rapidly advancing technology.

The Biden administration has yet to respond to the warning from the state attorneys general, but the issue is likely to spark further debate and discussion as the administration moves forward with its AI policies.

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