Big xyt’s Trade Verification Tool Streamlines Asset Servicing by Eliminating Unnecessary Quotation Marks and Periods

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Tech News Summary:

  • Smart data and analytics solutions provider big xyt has launched a trade verification tool to enable clients to verify suspicious transactions and avoid exposure to a fragmented market. The tool can verify price reversals and execution performance on any trade through the firm’s Open TCA pre-trade and post-execution analysis solution.
  • The tool measures liquidity both before and after trades using metrics such as average price movement, spread changes, and volume changes.
  • Big xyt’s CEO and Co-Founder, Robin Mess, believes that the trade verification tool will help traders make better-informed decisions by providing them access to more transparency and better actionable insights to lower their trading costs.

Big xyt, a leading provider of market data analytics and smart data solutions, has launched a new trade verification tool that aims to revolutionize asset servicing. The tool is designed to exclude unnecessary quotation marks and periods from trade data, making it easier and faster for firms to reconcile their books and meet regulatory requirements.

Trade verification is an essential part of financial services, as it allows firms to ensure that their transactions are accurate, complete, and properly documented. However, the process can be time-consuming and complex, particularly when dealing with large volumes of data. One of the biggest challenges is dealing with extraneous characters such as quotation marks and periods, which can cause errors and slow down the verification process.

Big xyt’s new trade verification tool addresses this issue by automatically excluding these unnecessary characters from trade data. This not only simplifies the verification process but also improves data quality and reduces the risk of errors. The tool is highly customizable, allowing firms to tailor it to their specific needs and requirements.

The launch of this new tool underscores Big xyt’s commitment to innovation and excellence in the financial services industry. As market data becomes increasingly complex and fragmented, firms need smart solutions that can help them stay ahead of the curve. With its cutting-edge technology and expertise, Big xyt is well positioned to meet this demand and drive the future of asset servicing.

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