Blockchain Technology, According to Kristen Mierzwa of FTSE Russell, Will Transform the Lives of Everyone.

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  • FTSE Russell has launched the FTSE Bitcoin Index futures on the Eurex exchange, becoming the first exchange in Europe to offer Bitcoin index futures with cash settlement in USD and EUR.
  • FTSE Russell first started exploring the blockchain space in 2017 and formed a partnership with Digital Asset Research (DAR) in 2019, which serves as the firm’s pricing provider. The joint methodology with DAR is used to vet exchanges as pricing sources and assets.
  • The launch of Bitcoin index futures on the Eurex exchange by FTSE Russell is a significant development in the cryptocurrency market as more traditional financial institutions enter the market and explore innovative products to capitalize on the rising popularity of digital assets.

Kristen Mierzwa, the Head of Digital Asset Markets at FTSE Russell, has asserted that Blockchain technology will significantly transform the lives of everyone. The expert went on to say that the future is digital, and Blockchain is the technology that will change everything we know.

Mierzwa argues that the current COVID-19 pandemic has made it evident that we live in a world that is interconnected through various digital systems. As a result, she asserts that Blockchain technology is more necessary than ever, as it can facilitate the creation of an ecosystem of trusted digital collaboration.

In a recent interview, the expert emphasized that the technology offers immense benefits and could create a new era for businesses that use it. Blockchain enables secure record-keeping through digital ledgers that cannot be altered once entered. This means that any transaction that happens on the Blockchain is permanent and transparent, making it more secure.

Furthermore, Mierzwa believes that Blockchain technology can also aid the traditional financial industry by creating more efficient and cost-effective systems. She highlighted that the current systems for clearing, settling and trading assets are outdated and require a heavy amount of paper documentation. Blockchain can eliminate these outdated processes and provide an instant and more efficient method of handling financial transactions.

Mierzwa’s vision of a Blockchain-enabled digital future is undoubtedly significant in terms of how it could reshape the way we conduct transactions and interact with systems. The expert’s position and her work at FTSE Russell demonstrate the growing recognition of Blockchain as a transformative technology, with the potential to reshape various industries in the coming years.

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