Browser-Based Phishing Attacks See a 198% Surge in the Second Half of ‘23

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Tech News Summary:

  • Browser-based phishing attacks increased by 198% in the second half of 2023, with a rise in evasive tactics making it difficult for traditional security controls to detect and prevent these attacks.
  • Phishing actors are targeting well-known and trusted websites, making it challenging for organizations to identify and block malicious pages.
  • Evasive techniques, such as cloaking, spoofing, and dynamic code generation, are being used to create fake login pages and capture user information, highlighting the urgent need for greater protection against evolving threats posed by highly evasive browser-based attacks.

According to a new report from cybersecurity firm PhishLabs, browser-based phishing attacks have seen a staggering 198% increase in the second half of 2023. The report highlights the growing trend of cybercriminals targeting internet users through their web browsers, posing a significant threat to individuals and organizations alike.

Browser-based phishing attacks involve the use of deceptive websites that mimic legitimate login pages or online forms, tricking users into entering their personal information. These attacks often rely on social engineering tactics to manipulate victims into divulging sensitive data, such as login credentials, financial details, and personal information.

The rise in browser-based phishing attacks is attributed to the increasing sophistication of cybercriminal tactics, as well as the widespread adoption of web-based platforms and applications. With more individuals and businesses relying on the internet for various activities, including online banking, shopping, and communication, cybercriminals have ample opportunities to exploit vulnerabilities and steal valuable information.

To protect against browser-based phishing attacks, experts recommend being cautious of unfamiliar websites, verifying the authenticity of web addresses, and using reputable antivirus and anti-phishing tools. Furthermore, individuals and organizations are advised to educate themselves about common phishing techniques and how to recognize and report suspicious activity.

As the threat of browser-based phishing attacks continues to escalate, it is crucial for internet users to remain vigilant and proactive in safeguarding their online security. By staying informed and implementing best practices for internet safety, individuals and organizations can help mitigate the risk of falling victim to these malicious activities.

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