Capcom is creating hilarious anime shorts as a remake of Resident Evil 4

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Episode 2 revolves around the romance story and focuses on Leon and Ashley reuniting. While it doesn’t last long, we move on to a clip in which Leon repeatedly saves Ashley until he’s embalmed in ice. They are so cute and remind me of the Saturday morning cartoons I used to watch while on vacation abroad. Just pure pure joy. Plus, seeing a child version of Leon carrying a gun like nothing happened? I can’t beat that. The first two episodes were released two days apart, so hopefully we’ll have more eye-catching thumbnails soon.

The first episode follows the child version of Leon as he enters the village and confronts the bag-faced Salvador. My favorite part is Leon asking the villagers where Ashley is, only to have them turn around and snarl something “[Leon doesn’t understand.]” I know their confusing language is because they’re infected, but Their red eyes make them look cooked out of their heads. That’s the funnier reason, in my mind. Lore, damn it. VidBud Liam also pointed out that [Leon didn’t understand] summed up a lot of the show’s content in general.

If your Resi 4 cravings are still rumbling, Chainsaw’s free demo is packed with quirky mods, including one that replaces Leon’s weapon with a banana and spoon combo. Another similar mod reimagining Salvador for a kid-friendly audience, this time swapping its model for the 2000s icon Shrek.

The event all this leads to the release of Resident Evil 4 Remake on the 24th, seems worth the wait. Liam’s warm review said, “Resident Evil 4 is a thrilling game that’s as good – if not a bit better – than the original game.”

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