Commission official warns that Europe’s slow adoption of 5G technology poses a threat to AI progress.

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Tech News Summary:

  • Low 5G adoption in Europe threatens the progress of technologies like AI, according to a European Commission official.
  • The Commission will publish a white paper on the Digital Networks Act (DNA) to address 5G deployment and investment issues, with potential legislation to follow after the European elections in June.
  • EU Industry Commissioner Thierry Breton and the Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) both emphasize the need for efficient and cost-effective solutions to meet connectivity goals in the EU.

The slow adoption of 5G technology in Europe poses a threat to the progress of artificial intelligence (AI), warned a senior official from the European Commission.

Jorg Spenkuch, the commission’s head of digital infrastructure, expressed concerns about the continent falling behind in the global race to develop and deploy AI due to the sluggish rollout of 5G networks.

“Sectors such as healthcare, transportation, and manufacturing rely heavily on fast and reliable connectivity, and 5G is crucial for the development and implementation of AI applications in these areas,” Spenkuch said in a statement.

According to reports, Europe lags behind countries like the United States, South Korea, and China in the adoption of 5G technology, which is essential for supporting the high-speed data transfer and low latency required for AI-driven solutions.

Spenkuch emphasized the need for European countries to accelerate their efforts in building 5G infrastructure in order to foster innovation and competitiveness in AI technology.

“Without a robust 5G network, Europe risks being left behind in the global AI race, which could have serious economic and strategic implications,” he added.

The European Commission has been pushing for increased investment in 5G deployment as part of its digital agenda to promote technological advancement and digital transformation across the continent.

Spenkuch’s warning comes as a wake-up call for policymakers and industry stakeholders to prioritize 5G adoption in order to unlock the full potential of AI and ensure Europe remains competitive in the digital era.

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