Connecting Detroiters to High-Speed Internet: 8 Tech Hubs Created to Bridge the Digital Divide

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Tech News Summary:

  • Detroit officials have launched an initiative to bridge the digital divide by introducing eight new technology centers, with plans for more in the future. These centers offer free WiFi, device loan programs, and IT training and support to address the needs of over 200,000 residents who struggle to access reliable internet.
  • The funding for these technology centers comes from $535,000 in federal pandemic relief funds through the American Rescue Plan Act. Once certified, these locations will be identified with a City of Detroit seal posted at their entrance.
  • The technology centers aim to provide essential digital literacy skills to empower residents, address connectivity issues, and enhance access to high-speed internet and technological resources for all residents. Additionally, Comcast has also contributed towards enhancing connectivity through initiatives like “Life Zones” which aims at connecting families to reliable computers and free internet access at community facilities across neighborhoods.

Eight tech hubs have been launched in Detroit in an effort to bridge the digital divide and provide residents with access to high-speed internet. The initiative, spearheaded by Mayor Mike Duggan and the city’s Digital Inclusion Fund, aims to connect Detroiters to the digital world and ensure that all residents have the resources they need to thrive in today’s technology-driven society.

The tech hubs, which are located in community centers and libraries across the city, provide free access to high-speed internet, as well as equipment such as computers and tablets. In addition, the hubs offer digital literacy training and support services to help residents navigate the online world.

According to Mayor Duggan, the launch of the tech hubs is a major step forward in the city’s efforts to address the digital divide and ensure that all Detroiters have the opportunity to access the internet and its benefits.

“We recognize that access to high-speed internet is crucial in today’s world, and we are committed to making sure that no one in our city is left behind,” said Mayor Duggan. “These tech hubs are a key part of our efforts to connect Detroiters to the digital world and provide them with the tools they need to succeed.”

The launch of the tech hubs comes at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of internet access for remote work, virtual learning, and accessing essential services. With the tech hubs in place, residents will now have the opportunity to access high-speed internet and the resources they need to thrive in the digital age.

The city’s Digital Inclusion Fund, in partnership with local organizations and businesses, has worked tirelessly to make the tech hubs a reality. The initiative has received widespread support from the community, with many residents expressing gratitude for the opportunity to access high-speed internet and improve their digital literacy skills.

As the tech hubs continue to make an impact in the community, Mayor Duggan and the city’s Digital Inclusion Fund are committed to expanding the initiative and reaching even more Detroiters in need of internet access and digital skills training.

With the launch of the eight tech hubs, Detroit is taking a major step forward in bridging the digital divide and ensuring that all residents have the opportunity to thrive in today’s digital world.

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