Consumers Want Traditional Hospitality Alongside Fast Restaurant Technology, According to National Restaurant Association Survey

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  • Operators believe technology gives them a competitive edge, but only 13% consider their restaurant technology to be leading-edge.
  • 60% of operators plan to invest in consumer-facing technology, while just over half plan to invest in kitchen-facing technologies.
  • Consumers prioritize traditional service experiences over high-tech experiences at sit-down restaurants, with ease of use being a priority over speed of service for quick-service restaurant experiences.

According to a recent study by the National Restaurant Association, consumers are seeking a balance between traditional hospitality and faster restaurant technology. The report, titled “Trends in Restaurant Dining: Balancing Tech and Tradition,” found that while diners are interested in the convenience and speed of technology in dining experiences, they also value the personal touch and traditional hospitality that has long been associated with restaurants.

The study revealed that 65% of consumers appreciate the convenience of technology in restaurants, such as mobile ordering and contactless payment options. However, 58% of diners still place a high importance on the personal interaction with restaurant staff and the traditional hospitality that comes with it.

“Consumers are looking for a balanced approach to dining experiences,” said Tom Fisher, Vice President of Research and Knowledge at the National Restaurant Association. “They want the convenience and efficiency that technology provides, but they also value the warmth and personal touch of traditional hospitality.”

The findings from the report suggest that restaurants should strive to find a balance between implementing technological advances to enhance the customer experience while still maintaining the traditional hospitality that keeps diners coming back.

“Restaurants that can effectively blend the convenience of technology with the warmth of traditional hospitality are likely to see success in attracting and retaining customers,” Fisher added.

The report also highlighted the importance of training restaurant staff to effectively integrate technology into their service, while still providing a high level of personalized and attentive care to diners.

Overall, the study indicates that consumers are seeking a dining experience that combines the best of both worlds – the efficiency of technology and the warmth of traditional hospitality. Restaurants that are able to strike this balance are likely to see increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

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