Creepy voice cloning made possible with new iPhone feature.

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  • Apple is introducing a new feature called Personal Voice in iOS 17, which will clone a user’s voice in just 15 minutes. The cloned voice can be used with another new feature called Live Speech, which converts typed text into a user’s own synthetic voice in real-time. Apple’s goal with this feature is to enhance accessibility for those who may be losing their voice and to provide comfort to those with speech difficulties.
  • Apple’s Personal Voice feature is a significant step towards a more personalized technology experience. It is expected to change the way we communicate with one another. However, this feature could be a bit unnerving for the rest of us at first.
  • The Personal Voice feature is just one example of how technology can be used to enhance accessibility and make the world a more inclusive place. Its intent to enhance accessibility for those who may be losing their voice is admirable and has the potential to make a significant impact on people’s lives, especially those who are differently-abled.

As technology continues to advance, the world is being introduced to innovative new features that make life easier and more convenient. However, the latest feature on the new iPhone is raising concerns about privacy and the potential for abuse.

The new feature, known as “voice cloning,” allows users to replicate someone’s voice with just a few seconds of recording. This means that anyone can create a convincing clone of a person’s voice, which could potentially be used for malicious purposes.

While Apple has assured users that the feature is meant to be used for fun and harmless purposes, like creating personalized voicemail greetings, experts warn that the technology could be exploited by scammers, hackers, and even government agencies.

With voice cloning, fraudsters could gain access to sensitive information by impersonating a victim’s voice during a phone call. They could also use the technology to create fake audio recordings to blackmail or embarrass someone.

Furthermore, the feature poses a threat to personal privacy. A person’s voice could now be used against them without their knowledge or consent, increasing the risk of identity theft and fraudulent activities.

This latest development has raised concerns among user privacy advocates and technology experts. They warn that it is crucial for companies like Apple to take a proactive approach in addressing potential harm before it happens.

While voice cloning may seem like a cool new feature at first, it is important to understand the potential risks and implications that come with it. It is up to companies like Apple to prioritize the safety and privacy of their users and ensure that such technologies are not abused for nefarious purposes.

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