“Cyber attackers strike Senegalese government websites and put them under siege”

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Tech News Summary:

  • A group of hackers called the Mysterious Team launched a series of cyberattacks on several Senegalese government websites using denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, which caused the sites to go offline overnight on Friday.
  • The Mysterious Team claimed responsibility for the attacks on Twitter, using the #FreeSenegal hashtag used by activists denouncing political oppression in Senegal.
  • The cyberattacks come amid heightened political tension in Senegal, with ongoing protests and clashes between state security forces and opposition supporters. The government is working towards resolving political tensions and restoring stability in the country.

The Senegalese government is currently reeling from a massive cyber attack that has left several of their key websites under siege. Officials have confirmed that the attackers targeted the websites of several ministries, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Justice.

The cyber attack has severely impacted the government’s ability to carry out vital functions, including issuing passports, visas and handling legal affairs. The website of the country’s national assembly was also targeted, raising concerns over the security of sensitive government data.

According to sources within the government, the attackers were able to breach their defenses by using sophisticated malware and phishing tactics. The origin of the cyber attack is currently unknown, but officials are working to identify the culprits and restore their websites.

In response to the attack, the Senegalese government has urged its citizens to remain vigilant and report any suspicious online activity. They have also assured the public that they are doing everything in their power to restore normal operations as soon as possible.

Experts warn that cyber attacks against governments and businesses are on the rise, and that countries need to invest more resources into securing their online infrastructure. The attack on Senegal’s government websites serves as a wake-up call for other nations to take cyber security seriously and ensure that they are prepared to defend against such threats in the future.

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