Daren Hubbard Leaves Georgia Tech for New Academic Leadership Role at Princeton University

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Tech News Summary:

  • Daren Hubbard is leaving his role as Vice President of Information Technology and Chief Information Officer at Georgia Tech to join Princeton University in the same capacity.
  • At Georgia Tech, Hubbard made significant contributions to the institution’s technology landscape and will be leaving his position on December 31st.
  • At Princeton University, Hubbard will provide strategic leadership within the Office of Information Technology, overseeing various functions and supporting the university’s mission of promoting learning through research and teaching.

After seven successful years at Georgia Tech, Daren Hubbard has announced his departure from the institution to join Princeton University as the new Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer.

During his tenure at Georgia Tech, Hubbard has played a crucial role in the strategic growth and development of the university’s technology infrastructure. Under his leadership, Georgia Tech has made significant advancements in its IT capabilities, enhancing the institution’s research, teaching, and learning initiatives.

Hubbard’s departure marks the end of an era for Georgia Tech, but it also signals a new chapter in his academic leadership journey. At Princeton University, he will bring his extensive experience and expertise to further elevate the institution’s technological capabilities and support its academic and research endeavors.

In a statement, Hubbard expressed his excitement about joining Princeton University and the opportunity to contribute to its esteemed academic community. He thanked Georgia Tech for the opportunities and support he received during his time at the institution and expressed gratitude for the partnerships and collaborations he has built over the years.

Georgia Tech officials also expressed their appreciation for Hubbard’s contributions and wished him the best in his new role at Princeton University. They emphasized his instrumental role in enhancing the university’s technological infrastructure and the lasting impact of his leadership.

Hubbard’s departure from Georgia Tech and his transition to Princeton University mark a significant moment in the academic leadership landscape. His expertise and vision will undoubtedly continue to make a meaningful impact in the higher education and research community.

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