Digital transformation e Technology Innovation will shape the future of the vaping industry

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  • The three-day Global Tobacco and Nicotine Forum 2022 (GTNF) was held at the Four Seasons Hotel in Washington, DC, USA, with the theme “ACCESSING INNOVATION.”

This year, the world’s foremost expert in electronic spraying, ICCPP Group, was given the opportunity to participate for the first time. As industry representatives, they presented a number of research accomplishments on stage, including product innovation, ceramic core technology, and biodegradable materials.

The GTNF was established in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 2008 as a forum for free discussion and communication between businesses, financiers, researchers, policymakers, specialists, and others to help the tobacco sector modernize and grow internationally.

Representatives from the ICCPP Group discussed the four strategies to achieve product and technology innovation, sustainable development, and corporate social responsibility during the panel discussion “Products: Innovating for Tomorrow” at 2:15 p.m. on the last day.

Technological advancements in ceramic core technology, which will play a significant role in the future of the electronic spray industry, primarily occur in his five dimensions.

The technical layout was shared in one way. The introduction of Gene Tree, the first powder-free nano-microcrystalline ceramic core in the world, has drawn interest from a sizable audience.

E-cigarette use that causes less harm and is more enjoyable. Rare aldehydes instead of heavy metals.

exceptional stability Superior process stability and a significant product advantage. many layers and multiple pores. No spitting out of e-liquids or flavor loss.

technology devoid of powder. No powder paste or leftover powder. Long life and atomic level bonding innovation method. The ICCPP underlined that, particularly in industrialized nations, the global tobacco business has changed from a conventional single market to a “traditional + new tobacco” market as a result of the growth of the e-cigarette market. Companies must use “innovation” to strengthen their core competitiveness in order to respond to this.

ICCPP, a company that has been a long-time proponent of science and innovation, is dedicated to creating a comprehensive category and multi-series product matrix system. The ICCPP has a large layout in the nebulizers, nebulizers, HNB, and other categories, relying on four significant research institutes and the Everest Institute of High Standards.

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