In the past, Apple introduced Watch SE in 2020. It was priced at Rs 29,990. However, it has been stated in reports that the new Apple Watch will cost less than this. According to the New York Times report, the company anticipates that this will boost watch sales while giving rival brands more direct competition. In other words, Apple will now dramatically lower the cost of its products.
In Delhi. Apple Event is a topic of much debate. Tomorrow, September 7, during the Apple Event, many new goods will be introduced. In conjunction with this event, Apple Watch will also be unveiled. However, there is a fresh development in it. Apple is said to introduce the most affordable smartwatch ever. The business is getting ready to use its assistance to attract young people.
The report says that Apple has been working on its Watch for 3 years. After doing long research, now finally preparations have been made to launch the watch. Apple Watch Series 3 is the cheapest so far. If you want, you can buy it for just 20 thousand rupees. But since it was launched long back, its demand has also reduced a lot.
The Family Setup feature was included with Watch OS7 two years ago. Cellular connectivity was also available at this time in addition to this. Apple will also introduce the iPhone 14 series at the same event. Its attributes are also heavily discussed. However, the Bionic Chip in the iPhone 14 will be the same as the one in the iPhone 13. The users will undoubtedly be disappointed, though.