Exploring India’s Vast Potential: PM Modi Meets ChatGPT Creator Sam Altman to Harness the Power of AI

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Tech News Summary:

  • OpenAI CEO Sam Altman discussed the potential of AI in India’s tech ecosystem and the need for global regulation during his meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
  • Altman talked about OpenAI’s self-regulation and his plan to finance new companies in India, which he believes has huge potential for AI-based utilities.
  • Prime Minister Modi welcomed collaborations that can accelerate India’s digital transformation and empower its citizens through the use of AI.

New Delhi, India – Prime Minister Narendra Modi met with renowned artificial intelligence (AI) expert and founder of OpenAI, Sam Altman, to discuss the possibilities of unleashing the power of AI in India.

During their meeting, which was held at the Prime Minister’s residence, Modi and Altman discussed the infinite potential of AI in revolutionizing different sectors in India, such as healthcare, education, agriculture and many more. The Indian Prime Minister expressed his eagerness to explore the latest advancements in AI and its positive impact on the country’s socio-economic development.

Altman, who is also the creator of ChatGPT, an AI-powered chatbot, shared his experiences with the Prime Minister about the potential of AI in delivering innovative solutions to some of India’s most pressing issues. He mentioned his interest in the Prime Minister’s Digital India initiative, which aims to transform the country into a digitally empowered society.

The Prime Minister also shared his vision of building a robust AI ecosystem in India, where Indian talents can thrive, and the country can become a global hub for cutting-edge AI developments. Modi emphasized the need for creating a supportive regulatory framework that can foster innovation and collaboration within the AI community.

The meeting ended with both parties agreeing on the importance of investing in research and development in AI in India. The Prime Minister expressed his gratitude towards Altman for his insights and his willingness to share his expertise with India. The meeting marks a significant step in India’s journey towards unleashing the power of AI to propel India’s progress and growth.

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