First Public Hearing Held by Baltimore City Council on Proposed Facial Recognition Technology Bill

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  1. The proposed bill, City Council Bill 23-0379, outlines regulations for the use of facial recognition technology, requiring the destruction of data within three years of acquisition and prohibiting distribution without consent, a valid warrant, or subpoena. It also allows for data collection in specific situations with posted notice.
  2. The Baltimore City Council Law Department has identified legal issues with the proposed bill, including conflicts with the Maryland Public Information Act (PIA) and potential violation of the Commerce Clause in the United States Constitution. The department argues that local government cannot establish permissions for information disclosure that differ from state law.
  3. The first public hearing to discuss the proposed legislation is scheduled for Wednesday at 12 p.m. at City Hall. Stakeholders will have the opportunity to voice their opinions and concerns regarding the use of facial recognition technology in Baltimore City.

The Baltimore City Council held its first public hearing on a proposed bill to ban the use of facial recognition technology in the city on Tuesday. The bill, known as the Tofido Act, aims to protect the privacy and civil liberties of Baltimore residents amid concerns about the potential misuse of this controversial surveillance technology.

During the hearing, community members, activists, and technology experts expressed their concerns about the potential risks and consequences of using facial recognition technology. They cited concerns about potential racial and gender biases in the technology, as well as the potential for misuse by law enforcement and other entities.

Council members in favor of the bill emphasized the need to protect citizens’ privacy and civil liberties, and expressed their support for alternative methods of policing and surveillance that do not rely on facial recognition technology.

On the other hand, opponents of the bill, including law enforcement officials and some business organizations, argued that facial recognition technology can be a valuable tool for public safety and security, and that a ban on its use would hinder efforts to combat crime and protect the public.

The Tofido Act has garnered significant attention and support from both residents and advocacy groups in Baltimore, and its potential passage would make the city one of the first in the country to ban the use of facial recognition technology.

The public hearing marked the beginning of a broader debate and discussion within the City Council about the future of facial recognition technology in Baltimore, and the potential impact of the Tofido Act on public safety and civil liberties.

The City Council is expected to continue its deliberation on the proposed bill in the coming weeks, with a decision on its passage anticipated in the near future.

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