From Version 105, Google Chrome custom tabs are less hidden

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Now, a lot of users might never even notice the difference. If they don’t open the three-dot overflow menu in a Chrome Custom Tab, that is (CCT). To be clear, when a link within an application is selected, those are browser tabs opened in their own window. Whenever you click a link on Twitter, for instance.

While the most recent modification in Google Chrome version 105—clarifying the labelling of Chrome Custom Tabs as opposed to WebView tabs—is more subtle, it is arguably no less significant. Google Chrome has improved significantly and continues to do so. That is based on recent reports that describe a minor change made to the feature in Chrome 105.


  • But not only do Custom Tabs driven by Chrome allow developers to present a more cohesive experience in terms of theming and customizations. They also bring other advantages. So the difference between WebView and Chrome Custom Tabs is an important one. And arguably, so is the ability for users to discern which apps use which feature.For instance, Chrome Custom Tabs also allow the same features as full-blown Chrome. Such as allowing users to remain logged in to their sites.

  • Prior to the update, selecting the three-dot overflow menu presented all of the usual options. As shown in the image below, it also showed a piece of text reading “Powered by Chrome” at the bottom. That doesn’t necessarily do a good job of differentiating between the older WebView pages and the newer Chrome Custom Tabs.

Now, in version 105, the text has been swapped out for a full-color Chrome logo. That’s accompanied by the words “Running in Chrome,” as well. Letting users know that they’re getting the best of Chrome, customized for a more cogent in-app experience.

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