Geek Out Event: Science & Tech at Museum

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Geek Out Event Highlights Science and Technology

  • Children immersed in learning about robots, time travel, and self-driving cars
  • Local organizations promoting STEM education, particularly for young women
  • Families engaging in arts and crafts activities, including comic book art and spacecraft assembly
  • Increased interest in science and astronomy sparked by upcoming solar eclipse

Promotion of STEM Education for Young Women

  • Organizations like girlstart and Bows by Kasha encouraging young women to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and math
  • Families witnessing young entrepreneurs like 7-year-old Taylen, who started his own business painting tattoos with glue and glitter

Astronomy and Science Exploration at the Event

  • Attendees learning about the upcoming solar eclipse and assembling spacecraft models
  • Opportunity for everyone in Temple to witness the rare phenomenon of the sun’s corona during the eclipse on April 8
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