Google, which has been fined twice in a row by the Competition Commission of India (CCI), said Wednesday it is committed to its users and developers and is considering a decision to evaluate next steps.
Indian regulators fined Google for the second time on Tuesday. This time around $113 million (Rs. 936 million), abusing Google’s dominant position over his Play store policy.
Last week, competition authorities fined Google Rs 133.776 billion for abusing its dominant position in several markets of the Android mobile ecosystem.
In a statement, Google said developers in India benefit from the technology, security, consumer protection, and unmatched choice and flexibility that Android and Google Play offer.
We remain committed to our users and developers and are reviewing decisions to evaluate next steps,” a Google spokesperson said.
“Also, by keeping costs low, our model has facilitated India’s digital transformation and expanded access for hundreds of millions of Indians.
In a recent ruling, the regulatory body determined that Google dominated the market in India for smart mobile operating systems that could be licensed as well as app stores.
“A significant method for app developers to earn money off of their discoveries and creations is the sale of in-app digital items. To process transactions, developers must set up their apps to use Google’s payment infrastructure.
Google’s biggest user base is in India. IHK has also told Google to stop engaging in anti-competitive behavior. The tech juggernaut was given 30 days to deliver the required financial information and supplementary paperwork.