Google News Showcase to Make Its Debut in the US this Summer

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  • Google is set to launch its news app, News Showcase, in the US this summer, partnering with over 150 news publications, 90% of which are local organizations. The launch is part of a wider effort to support local news organizations, with the Google News Initiative partnering with five news associations to provide financial grants and training to nearly 1,000 US journalists.
  • The News Showcase app will allow publishers to curate their content and present it in a more visually appealing way. It will also give readers more control over the stories they see and the topics they follow. The app will feature a mix of free and paywalled content, and publishers will be able to choose which articles to feature and how they want to present them.
  • The launch of News Showcase in the US is a welcome development for publishers who have been struggling to stay afloat in a changing media landscape. By partnering with publishers and providing financial support and training, Google can help ensure that local news remains a vital part of our communities.

This summer, the United States will witness the arrival of Google News Showcase, a platform designed to showcase quality journalism. The platform, which has already launched in several countries, including Brazil, Germany, and Australia, is expected to roll out in the US in the coming weeks.

Google News Showcase, which is available on both iOS and Android, will feature content from over 120 publishers in the US, including the Washington Post, Time magazine, and ABC News. The platform will offer users access to a wide range of news sources, allowing them to read articles from different perspectives and gain a deeper understanding of the issues.

One of the unique features of Google News Showcase is its focus on publisher branding. The platform will allow publishers to curate their content and highlight their branding, enabling them to build deeper relationships with readers. This will also help publishers to better monetize their content, as they will have more control over how it is presented and distributed.

Google News Showcase will also feature a dedicated news carousel on Google Search, making it easier for users to discover and access high-quality news content. The platform is part of Google’s ongoing efforts to support the news industry and promote quality journalism.

Overall, the arrival of Google News Showcase is good news for both publishers and readers. It will provide publishers with a new platform to expand their reach and monetize their content, while offering users a more diverse range of news sources to choose from. As the platform rolls out in the US, we can expect to see a renewed focus on quality journalism and greater engagement with news consumers.

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