Hostile Crypto Inc. presents the HC HogzTM NFT Gaming project as part of the Metaverse Shakeup

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  • Hostile Crypto Inc. announced a limited pre-release of its ground-breaking HC Hogz NFT. The coinage of just 2750 HC Hogz characters is the first stop on a game development roadmap planned as a full-blown fighting game onslaught on Web 3. Investors in the HC Hogz NFT release will receive unique in-game rewards and will be invited to lead his Hostile Crypto mission to turn around the digital world.

The HC Hogz project creates an exciting fighting game entertainment environment with Metaverse real estate and the ultimate goal of making money in the game. The game’s plot, based on the achievements of a tenacious band of disabled bike outlaws, ensures maximum chaos.

HC Hogz will be encrypted and build community engagement through direct input from NFT stakeholders. HC Hogz society is harsh, nomadic, chaotic, armed and violent. But the organized forces trying to destroy Hogz’s outlaw tribes are even more brutal and relentless.

This release offers three of his fully animated 3D Hogz characters from NFT. Each one is a masterpiece of 3D rendering, offering quality that is light years ahead of previous generations of NFT Apes and Kitties. While lifelike, Hogz isn’t pretty. These are powerful fighting game protagonists who tell the feats of modern badass pirates.

Boss He considers Hogg cunning, ruthless, and power-hungry. He may look deeper than he allows and make tough decisions in order to unite and keep his outlaw clan alive. Enforcer Hog is action-packed, with all the guts and war tactics to keep the unruly outlaws at bay. Remind everyone that it is not an honor. Sketchy pigs are dangerous beings.

It takes a cunning and strong character to maintain criminal independence in a changing world. These Hogs have it. Each of the three characters offered in the Hostile Crypto pre-lease are elite warriors destined to dominate the Hogz gaming ecosystem.

Unpredictable, ferocious and deadly in any combat situation. He craves respect, but he is usually too impulsive to hold it. HC Hogz is the first game planned for release by Hostile Crypto Inc. Company game plan? Shook up the vision of the Metaverse by buying “land” and building clubhouses where members would congregate, ultimately creating a full-fledged Sin City-influenced apocalyptic playground. . Had a great crime world game. But there was nothing quite like HC Hogz, the evolution of hardcore gaming. Early membership is advantageous for pre-releases of HC Hogz NFTs.

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