House Republicans grill FTC’s Khan over proposed regulation of Big Tech

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  • The chair of the Federal Trade Commission, Lina Khan, defends her aggressive legal strategy towards big technology companies.
  • House Republicans accuse Khan of being overzealous and politicized under President Joe Biden.
  • The FTC suffered a defeat when a federal judge declined to block Microsoft’s takeover of Activision Blizzard, stating that the FTC hadn’t shown sufficient evidence of harm to competition.

FTC’s Khan Grilled by House Republicans on Big Tech Regulation

Washington D.C. – In a heated session on Capitol Hill, Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Chair Lina Khan faced tough questions from House Republicans yesterday on the agency’s plans to regulate Big Tech companies. The hearing, seen as a major showdown between Khan and conservative lawmakers, highlighted the growing concern and divide over the influence and power of tech giants in the digital age.

During the four-hour long hearing, Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee, led by ranking member Jim Jordan, relentlessly questioned Khan on her stance towards tech behemoths like Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Apple. The Republicans expressed concern that the FTC, under Khan’s leadership, may overreach and potentially infringe on the First Amendment rights of these tech giants.

Jordan, known for his confrontational style, criticized Khan’s previous writings and tweets that accused Big Tech companies of monopolistic practices and other anti-competitive behaviors. He argued that while the conservative members of the committee agreed that there were issues to address regarding the power of these companies, they feared that Khan’s path may lead to excessive government intervention and harm free speech.

Responding to the Republicans’ accusations, Khan defended her positions, citing existing antitrust laws that granted the FTC authority to challenge dominant firms engaging in anti-competitive practices. She acknowledged that any regulatory actions would be carried out within existing legal frameworks, ensuring that free speech rights remain protected. Khan emphasized the importance of conducting thorough investigations while maintaining a balance between enforcing regulations and preserving innovation.

The hearing’s backdrop was the increasing scrutiny on Big Tech companies regarding privacy violations, unfair market practices, and disinformation spread through social media platforms. Earlier this month, the FTC announced it would review its antitrust guidelines, signaling a potential major shift towards stricter regulation. This move, coupled with Khan’s vocal criticism of tech giants, has raised concerns among Republicans who worry that the FTC may abuse its authority.

The hearing also touched upon bipartisan calls to revise and update existing antitrust laws to address the unique challenges posed by the digital marketplace. However, Republicans expressed skepticism regarding the potential adverse impact these changes might have on small businesses and innovation.

Khan’s appearance before the House Judiciary Committee marks a pivotal moment in the ongoing battle between tech giants and regulators. The outcome of this exchange could significantly impact the future of Big Tech regulations and serve as a catalyst for potential legislative changes to rein in the power of these influential giants.

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