I Corps at JBLM’s American Lake Conference Center Hosts Symposium on Distributed Command and Control, Introducing New Technology and Tactics for Warfare

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  • Service members, tech industry professionals, and academia gathered at JBLM’s American Lake Conference Center for the AFCEA’s 2nd annual Enabling Distributed C2 Symposium to enhance cyber and information technology knowledge for greater command and control in the Indo-Pacific theater.
  • The symposium focused on how technological innovation can improve commanders’ visibility, situational awareness, and information access in challenging environments in the Indo-Pacific theater.
  • New strides in technology and data collection are helping to mitigate the challenges of distance and communication in the Pacific, enabling greater command and control, even in austere or challenged environments.

Distributed Command and Control Symposium Brings New Technology and Ways to Fight to I Corps at JBLM’s American Lake Conference Center – Tofino

Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA – Military leaders and innovators from around the world gathered at the American Lake Conference Center at Joint Base Lewis-McChord for the Distributed Command and Control Symposium, hosted by I Corps and its partners.

The symposium focused on the latest advancements in technology and tactics for distributed command and control, emphasizing the importance of connectivity and communication in modern warfare. With the increasing complexity and lethality of conflicts, the need for efficient and effective command and control systems has never been more critical.

“We are facing a rapidly evolving threat environment, and it is vital that we stay ahead of the curve in terms of technology and tactics,” said Lt. Gen. Randy A. George, the commanding general of I Corps. “This symposium is an opportunity for us to come together with our international partners and industry experts to explore new ways to optimize our command and control capabilities.”

The event featured presentations and panel discussions on a wide range of topics, including artificial intelligence, networked warfare, multi-domain operations, and the integration of new technologies into military operations. Attendees had the opportunity to learn from leading experts in the field and participate in hands-on demonstrations of cutting-edge equipment and systems.

“We are constantly seeking ways to improve our ability to command and control our forces in a distributed environment,” said Lt. Col. Maria Martinez, a participant in the symposium. “Events like this provide us with valuable insights and practical solutions that we can apply in the field.”

The symposium also served as a platform for fostering collaboration and partnerships between the military, industry, and academia, as all involved work to stay ahead of emerging threats.

As the final day of the symposium comes to a close, I Corps and its partners are already looking forward to implementing the new technology and tactics discussed during the event and remain committed to ensuring they are at the forefront of distributed command and control capabilities.

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