Innovative Groundbreaking for Essex Tech’s New Animal Sciences Building

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Tech News Summary:

  • Essex Tech has broken ground on a new animal sciences building, which will significantly increase enrollment in its animal sciences program over the next four years.
  • The $3.4 million project will be funded by a state Capital Skills Grant and a state bond anticipation note. The program educates students in companion animals, equine sciences, and veterinary sciences – all fields with growing demand for skilled workers.
  • Other expansion projects are also underway at Essex Tech, including support from the Cummings Foundation and the creation of a STEAM Academy (science, technology, engineering arts and math).

Essex Technical High School is taking a major step forward in the field of animal sciences with the groundbreaking of a new state-of-the-art building dedicated to the study and care of animals. The new Animal Sciences Building, set to be completed in 2023, aims to provide students with the latest technology and facilities to enhance their education and prepare them for careers in animal care and research.

The 21,000 square foot facility will feature classrooms, laboratories, and specialized areas for hands-on learning, including a veterinary clinic and animal housing spaces for a variety of species. Additionally, there will be outdoor teaching areas and a greenhouse to further facilitate learning and research in the field of animal sciences.

“This new building represents a significant investment in our students’ education and future careers in animal sciences,” said Superintendent Heidi Riccio. “Essex Tech is committed to providing our students with the best possible resources and opportunities to excel in their chosen fields, and this new facility is a testament to that commitment.”

The Animal Sciences Building will also serve as a hub for collaboration with local animal care facilities and veterinary clinics, providing students with real-world experience and networking opportunities in the industry.

“We are thrilled to break ground on this innovative new building,” said Principal Mario Coutinho. “Essex Tech has a long history of excellence in career and technical education, and this new facility will only further elevate our program in animal sciences.”

The construction of the Animal Sciences Building represents a significant milestone for Essex Tech and a promising development for the future of animal sciences education in the region. It is poised to become a leading center for innovation and research in the field, providing students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in this growing industry.

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