IRIS Mobile Dining Platform Boosts F&B Revenue at Marriott Executive Apartments Dubai Creek

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Tech News Summary:

  • Marriott Executive Apartments, Dubai Creek has partnered with IRIS to increase sales and average guest spending through a mobile food and beverage ordering platform.
  • The hotel aims to offer a seamless and convenient experience for business travelers, and identified F&B as a key area for growth.
  • The IRIS mobile dining app offers an easy-to-use interface, personalized menu options, and seamless integration with the hotel’s POS system to streamline operations and increase revenue potential.

Marriott Executive Apartments Dubai Creek has announced a significant boost in its food and beverage revenue thanks to the implementation of the IRIS Mobile Dining Platform.

The cutting-edge platform, which allows guests to browse menus, place orders, and make payments from their mobile devices, has revolutionized the dining experience at the luxury hotel. By offering guests a seamless and convenient way to order and pay for their meals, the hotel has seen a substantial increase in F&B sales.

“We are thrilled with the positive impact that the IRIS Mobile Dining Platform has had on our F&B revenue,” said a spokesperson for Marriott Executive Apartments Dubai Creek. “Not only has it made the dining experience more enjoyable for our guests, but it has also enabled us to drive more revenue and improve operational efficiency.”

The IRIS Mobile Dining Platform has proven to be a game-changer for the hotel, especially in the current climate where contactless and convenient options are highly sought after by guests. The platform’s user-friendly interface and integration with the hotel’s point-of-sale system have made it a hit among both guests and staff.

“We are always looking for innovative ways to enhance the guest experience and drive revenue, and the IRIS Mobile Dining Platform has certainly delivered on both fronts,” the spokesperson added.

With the success of the IRIS Mobile Dining Platform, Marriott Executive Apartments Dubai Creek is looking forward to continuing to leverage technology to further elevate the guest experience and drive business growth. The hotel is committed to staying ahead of the curve and offering cutting-edge solutions that meet the evolving needs of its guests.

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