Jala Tech’s Innovative Solutions Propel Vietnam’s Shrimp Industry Forward

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Tech News Summary:

  • Jala Tech, an Indonesian shrimp technology company, is expanding into Vietnam to supply its farm management software and IoT products to help Vietnamese farmers improve their yields and profits.
  • Jala Tech’s IoT products enable farmers to monitor water quality and temperature levels remotely, automate feeding systems, and control lighting schedules more efficiently, reducing reliance on manual labor while increasing production efficiency.
  • Jala Tech’s farm management software provides real-time data analysis that enables farmers to make informed decisions about their operations, tracking feed consumption rates, growth rates, and other crucial parameters that affect shrimp health and productivity.

Jala Tech, a Singapore-based aquaculture technology company, has made its entry into Vietnam’s booming shrimp industry with a range of innovative solutions aimed at boosting productivity and sustainability.

The company has partnered with a number of local shrimp farmers, providing them with cutting-edge tools to help them improve their operations and better meet the growing demand for shrimp from around the world.

Jala Tech’s solutions include advanced monitoring systems that track key indicators of shrimp health and growth, along with algorithms that help farmers optimize their feeding and water quality management practices.

Additionally, the company has developed a range of diagnostic technologies that can quickly identify and respond to potential disease outbreaks, allowing farmers to reduce the use of harmful chemicals and antibiotics.

In speaking about the company’s plans and vision, Jala Tech’s CEO, Dr. Li Ruixing, said that the company is committed to helping Vietnamese shrimp farmers adopt more sustainable practices that both boost their bottom lines and protect the health of the environment.

“The Vietnamese shrimp industry is one of the largest and most dynamic in the world, but it is also facing significant challenges in terms of sustainability,” Dr. Li said. “We believe that our solutions can help farmers overcome these challenges and achieve long-term success.”

Industry experts predict that Vietnam’s shrimp exports will continue to grow rapidly in the coming years, propelled by rising demand from markets in the US, Europe, and China. As Jala Tech continues to make waves in the industry with its innovative solutions, it seems poised to play a major role in this expansion.

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