Karnataka’s Ambitious Goal: Leading AVGC-XR Technology and Generating 30,000 Jobs by 2028

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Tech News Summary:

  • Karnataka government aims to position the state as a global leader in AVGC-XR technologies, with plans to create 30,000 high-quality jobs in the sector by 2028.
  • The government emphasized the goal of having exports constitute at least 80% of the sector’s total revenue, and released a draft AVGC-XR policy focusing on skills development, infrastructure, and access to the global market.
  • Karnataka has dedicated educational institutions and a Center of Excellence in Bengaluru to train industry professionals and create high-quality content, demonstrating the state’s commitment to becoming a leading force in the global AVGC-XR industry.

The southern Indian state of Karnataka has announced an ambitious plan to dominate the Audio-Visual Gaming and Computer-Generated Reality (AVGC-XR) technology industry and create 30,000 jobs in the sector by 2028.

The plan, unveiled by Karnataka’s Minister for IT and BT, aims to position the state as a global hub for AVGC-XR technology and capitalize on the growing demand for virtual and augmented reality experiences.

To achieve this, the government plans to set up dedicated infrastructure, including AVGC-XR parks, incubation centers, and specialized training facilities to nurture talent and innovation in the sector.

In addition, the plan includes initiatives to attract global companies, startups, and investors to establish a presence in Karnataka and leverage the state’s ecosystem for AVGC-XR technology.

Karnataka has already established itself as a leading technology hub in India, with Bengaluru, the state capital, often referred to as the “Silicon Valley of India.” The government’s plan to focus on AVGC-XR technology is expected to further enhance Karnataka’s reputation as a center for innovation and technology.

The announcement has been met with enthusiasm from industry professionals and experts, who see it as a significant opportunity for the state to capitalize on the rapidly growing AVGC-XR sector.

With the potential to create thousands of high-quality jobs and position Karnataka as a leader in the global AVGC-XR industry, the state’s ambitious plan is set to have a transformative impact on its economy and technology landscape.

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